
Kiwomato grape drink

the yummy mummy

Mellow, sweet, juicy, a bit o’ tang, yummy in your tummy? Check! Make it and you’ll feel it…xxx Continue reading

Yellow Kiwomato drink

Yellow kiwi, tomato ‘n’ apple drink

Being back in England feels sooo nice and warm in my heart….ahhhhh. My sister lives in a small town close to London so now I’m checking out the food options. It’s all so different here compared to the French. Food markets everyday of the week is not very common here at all. Continue reading

Red berry grapefruit drink

Red berry grapefruit drink

This drink is for when you want that “slap in the face and wake up now” kinda jolt in the morning when your energy is low. It’s sure to get you straightened out just right :-). Make it the day before, put in the fridge and just grab it and enjoy the next morning. Enjoy my friends, this one has got a loud kick to it. Continue reading

M ‘n’ M smoothie

Mango and Melon smoothie in their full glory

I had some melon left over from the cherry fruit basket so I decided to blend it together with mango for a nice long drink with dinner. Continue reading

Kiwi berry smoothie

One fine day in Paris it was 29 degrees and smokin’ hot so I wanted something freezin’ cold and this was a fine cool blend. Easy, peasy, smoooooth 😉 Continue reading

a Berry Mango affair

And then morning came, What to drink? what to drink? she mused.  She was not in the mood for niether coffee nor tea….but for something sweet and tart at the same time. Well, here it is and a very good morning to you my dears…xoxo Continue reading

Red berry beet brew

This morning I wanted a drink or perhaps a smoothie to start my day. No fuss, no mess and red in colour. I am about to be renewed again as my moon cycle starts so I wanted to usher in my body to this space with some red hot loving. Continue reading

Mango Smoothie

It’s warm, it’ getting tropical so I whizzed myself up a little bit of the island at home after a long way back from the market . It’s simple, quick, not too fussy and delicious. This vitamin rich super fruit  is sure to make you wanna put on your beachwear while sitting and typing a blog?…….sip sip.
Enjoy 😉