Tag Archive | cinnamon

Gluten-free cupcakes? Yes yes yes

for goddess Laura surrounded by her girls holding her in the light as the time comes for baby to make it's way to meet her <3

for goddess Laura surrounded by her girls, holding her in the light as the time comes for baby to make it’s way out to rest in her arms ❤

I know, it’s been a LOOOONG while, so I’m just gonna get to it.

These days almost everything I eat gives me the cramps and ……… well, you don’t wanna know the rest :-). So I’ve gone off dairy but still getting the crampy stomach feeling and now I’m thinking what more can I do?

Then, I got an order for some gluten free cupcakes and it struck me…hmmmmm maybe I can try not eating gluten for a while and see how it goes? Sooooo , yours truly has been experimenting with a couple of things (till I go see the Doc and get properly checked out).

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Cinnamon Potato porridge

I had some potatoes I had bought from the farmers market since last week and they started to grow babies and stuff so I thought, “Aijay, now is the time, use it or lose it”. So I thought to make something influenced from my childhood in Nigeria. The original dish has lots of sassy Nigerian-spices, dried fish and a hot chilli kick to it. It is called Yam Porridge. Well seeing as I don’t have any yam or any of the very flavourful Nigerian spices at hand, I decided to try and make something similar. Continue reading